As I delved deeper into the annals of the Talleres Nacionales de Construcciones Aeronáuticas -TNCA- a peculiar sight kept catching my eye: A round, enigmatic structure gracing the grounds of the old Balbuena Airfield factory near Mexico City. Its presence was fleeting, appearing in photographs like a mysterious time traveler, only to vanquish from sight in the next frame.

This curious round facility stood sentinel before the TNCA’s administration building, a silent witness to the comings and goings of the airplane factory’s daily operations. Yet, its purpose, at least to an uninitiated like me, has remained a mystery.
At times, the space occupied by this rotund edifice played host to a solemn monument, adding another layer of intrigue to the ever-shifting landscape. Was the round building a temporary structure, its function tied to the rhythms of the factory’s needs? Or did it serve a more profound, esoteric purpose, known only to those who worked at the TNCA?

This enigma has captured my imagination and, if you, dear reader, possess any insights or clues that might aid in solving this captivating puzzle, I implore you to share them. Leave your comments below!